And another week passes

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Apr 252020

It is like we stopped existing and started living. We are more involved in living life since this COVID-19 took hold. I am at my fathers, I came after a doctors appointment yesterday and I have spent the morning in the garden with him. Dare I say, I wore him out. We harvested more tomatoes including more Black Krims and Cherokee purples and 3 more zucchini’s! A little haul of potatoes and it looks like we will eat well this weekend. I am amazed it is ANZAC day and we are still harvesting!

I haven’t started my weaving but while Sis is still sleeping and dad went back to bed to rest after a busy morning, I may just start loading the loom. I left the book at home but I think I can work out the basic pattern!

While I did not hear anyone playing the last post at dawn, we have heard it played over and over and now, the neighborhood has woken up and are busy mowing and playing and laughing out loud. This isolating business has put a halt to plenty of normal gatherings on this day. No BBQ’s no two up games just quiet family activities.

Hello from week 3 isolation

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Apr 192020

I lost a friend to cancer last week and to say I am lost for words is an understatement. Linda was an amazing woman, headstrong, knowledgeable, kind and well, just beautiful. She taught me a lot and gave me a sense of belonging. I have never been one for groups but when I visited Linda I always felt welcomed and, well, loved. We shared a passion for yarn, fleece and textiles. We spun together, we talked, I got in her way while she weaved and we went to the sheep and wool shows together. I kind of feel my partner in crime is missing. Rest well Linda, I dare say we will meet again. I hate to say good bye.

I threw myself into finishing things and have just finished A C2C blanket the size of a queen bed. I need to finish a smaller one for a cousins baby due shortly and then one for another new edition to the Clan… I so enjoy my family and seeing it grow. I also love that they include this crazy aunt in all the fun. Hopefully it won’t always be from such a distance.

Oh, I did finish re-vamping my little inkle loom and have been procrastinating the warping. I wasn’t sure how to warp it (this would be one of the times I would go to Linda and ask for assistance) when I was flicking through a book given to me by my oldest friend, Sharon. Spin your own wool and dye it and weave it by Molly Duncan. There, towards the end of the book was a diagram of my very loom. It says it is “an American type Inkle Loom”. You can imagine how excited I was… now, to stop procrastinating!!!

I will stop Rambling and go have lunch. Then… maybe the loom!