
Wiltipoll lambs join our alpacas

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Jan 272025

Muddy after some light overnight rain.Finally, our alpacas have something to guard, our 2 Wiltipoll lambs, twin wethers we’ve name Lewis & Oswald. (Drew Carey fans will get the reference)

The alpacas were a little wary on day 1, but have embraced their new flock. The sheep had absolutely no problems being with alpacas & actually ran to them after they arrived in our property.

The lambs & alpacas eating some lucerne.


 Posted by at 12:57 pm

Christine has a new right knee!

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Jan 142024

Only out of hospital yesterday (thanks Liisa for bringing her home!), Christine will be laid up for a few weeks. She is well, but sore & tired – her hospital medications accounting for her doziness.

So, if she’s a little quiet, don’t be alarmed. Christine is just recovering from surgery.

 Posted by at 10:14 am

Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

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May 242023

Clicking on the image below will take you to a video of the funeral service. The link will be good for 90 days from this posting.

 Posted by at 1:33 pm

My Christmas Cake Recipe

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Nov 282021

* 1kg (2 pounds) mixed dried fruit
* 3 cups (750ml) fruit juice
* 3 cups (525g) self raising flour
* handful of glacé cherries
* handful of pecans
* & for those so inclined, a splash of rum or bourbon

Stage 1 has begun. My dried fruits, cherries & pecans are soaking overnight in the fruit juice.

Pics from last years cake.

 Posted by at 8:16 am