Yarn for Fires…

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Jan 112020

Yes, you heard it here first! (Not really but you may have) the Wiggles are reuniting for the bushfire appeal concert! And the Animal Rescue Craft Guild got a mention – by deed if not by name. This news has made it all the way over to the U.S.!

It was shown on the Colbert show! How wonderful!
We are not out of the woods yet but we are getting there. With temperatures a little lower and some occasional rain, even the alpacas are enjoying it.
With all this I am sad to announce that I left my knitting at home ?I do plan to pop in to see Raxor tomorrow to discuss my knit and crochet plans for the next few months.
I appear to have blown out all my craft needs to well into October the way I am going. Still, it all keeps me sane!

Stay tuned and stay safe! Don’t run with DPN’s!

All heed; St Distaff day

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Jan 102020

Here it is, January, and I am only now talking about St Distaff (or Roc) Day! Apparently it is an ‘unofficial’ Catholic holiday. On the 12th day of Christmas (January 7th) women were allowed to take up the Distaff and spindle or spinning wheel and continue on with their spinning. There is all kinds of references to Germanic women and Hexen and such but I won’t bore you.

There have been articles in Interweave Knits™️ and Spinoff™️ But I found a lovely article on Fiberygoodness.com (which is where I obtained this picture from).
The reason I am telling you this is a (I have never heard about it before today and b) I think all spinners should take note, put down all your other tasks and tools and spin! I plan on taking leave from now on… spend the day spinning and not feeling guilty. I am not sure why WWKIP day is not on this day too but then why share… there are 364 other days knitters can celebrate and around the second week in June is fine by me.

I am currently spinning some Galaxy from Raxor.com.au (‘s) range. It is so pretty to see the glitter shining as I spin. The colour is beautiful and I feel on a hot day, the small amount of air movement can be very nice on the legs. I am trying to mix this with knitting another garment out of Raxor Yarn’s Super Springy keep and eye open for another pattern and a pair of socks out of her bamboo sock range. His little name is string bean!

I better leave this here. I am on a train, soaked to the bone and I do have some knitting to do.
Until next St Distaff day… Well, until my next post… keep well and out of harms way.
P.S. I cannot leave this here, without mentioning the current #bushfirecrisis we have at the moment. My thoughts and heart goes out to all who are affected including my cousins who are on the South Coast of NSW. If you are planning to donate money, please be wise and donate to well known funds as there some groups that are misleading the public. There are also many groups knitting, crocheting and sewing things for the poor orphaned animals if money is an issue. Thank you to all volunteers who are helping to protect us from harm. You are all doing a great job.

Happy Wool Year, I mean New

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Jan 032020

Here we are 2020. In reality, it is the end of a decade, not the start of a new one eh? But why be picky? Because I can.
This month should be the release of the willow leaf hat. Only a little excited. After a fall at work and balance exercises as a result, a cortisone shot in the shoulder and possible further treatment for frozen shoulder, I am trying to fit everything in just in case. Yesterday I visited the lovely S-K up on Mt Macedon to see if I could fix her wheel. And fix it we did. She gave me some branches of birch for me to start carving some crochet hooks. This made me a little excited so in the cooler part of today I sat on the porch and whittled to my hearts content. I then mowed some grass, went for a drive and spun a bit. The evening was quieter as I contemplated spinning some more then decided nah! Watched Dr Who instead.
Tomorrow I plan to spin some more. Not sure if I can get another 250g done before Monday but I will give it my best shot!
I also thought a lot about these bush fires. Could this really be the end? So much flora and fauna lost… so much property destroyed and worse; lives lost.
I refuse to make political comments from now on. It is past that. I can only hope for rain but that will probably mean floods as there is nothing to ‘soak’ up the rain but still, it would help oput an end to the fires.
Tomorrow I spin and concentrate on lots of rain. You are welcome to join me!

All around my hat…?

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Nov 262019

Yes, I think this will be my final trial. A bit of wet blocking and the willow hat will be done with one small added trim! I can’t wait for this to launch. Stay tuned here and at Raxor.com.au!

Many years ago I met John. He played a song for me on a regular basis. It was by Steeleye Span and is called All Around My Hat…(I will wear the green willow).

This is it! My willow hat. Made from Raxor’s Super Springy 8 ply (DK or 3) wool. I can’t get enough of this wool, it is soft drapes and has wonderful stitch definition. And it makes the best projects!!!

Not long now!

Choko – unloved & mostly forgotten in Australia

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Nov 082019

The Sechium edule (choko or chayote or mirliton squash) is a member of the pumpkin family and is native to tropical America.

The choko is a climber, and it (given a chance) will quickly cover fences, trellises or planter frames.

In Australia, the choko was used a lot during the Great Depression, and often the staple diet of the poor. The choko was dished up in every possible way, making many older Australians resistant to the use of this very versatile plant and its fruits.

The most common choko fruits are a roughly blunted triangular pear shape with a smooth green skin or with soft prickles over the fruit. However, there are some smooth-skinned, ribbed green fruiting cultivars growing in home gardens as well as cultivars bearing large, white prickly or smooth-skinned fruit.

The choko can be grown in nearly all soil types but prefers rich, well-drained organic soils with plenty of compost or animal manure added annually. When grown in the tropics, the choko is virtually evergreen, but in cooler climates it has one crop then dies down to the tuberous root system and sprouts again the following spring. Chokos will grow as far south as Tasmania when given a sunny site sheltered from wind and frosts.

Being a climber, the plant needs to be trained on a framework, although many gardeners just let the vine scramble over anything that is available. Rampant vines are often pruned to make way for pathways or to stop them invading and shading other plants.

Chokos do not require a great deal of attention as they do not suffer much from pests, diseases or predators. However, plants should be protected from hot winds and frosts. They require moisture and lots of organic fertiliser to produce well.

A regular deep mulching of the root system in early summer will help the plant by increasing biological activity in the soil and lessen the effect of hot, dry weather conditions.

Choko plants are easily grown from seed, which means planting the whole fruit, because the seed cannot be separated from the fruit. Just collect a fruit from friends or other gardeners, sit it on a warm window sill until it begins to grow a shoot from one end, then half-bury the fruit with the leafy shoot end above soil level.

In tropical areas, the seeds can be sown at any time, but in cooler areas planting is done in spring or early summer. The tubers of established plants can also be carefully dug up and transplanted when the plant is dormant, but as the choko grows so readily, this is usually not necessary. It can also be grown using the new-growth shoot tips but must have greenhouse conditions to prevent the shoots wilting.

Fruit can be harvested at any time during the growth stage and mature fruits will store for several months. Older fruits can become dry and stringy so it is best to harvest regularly. This will also promote further flowering and fruiting.

The skin is usually peeled before cooking or processing and it has a tacky sap, so gloves are recommended. The young leaves of the plant can be used in salads and the roots (tubers) can be used like a potato, making it a very versatile plant.

The fruit makes an excellent chutney and can be diced and added to stews, where it remains solid and absorbs the taste of other ingredients. Fresh sliced choko is used in salads or the slices can be fried in a pan with butter.

Young, immature fruits can be added to stir-fries, curries or stews; whole fruits can be roasted and the flesh used as an additive for soups; cooked flesh can be mashed and added to cakes or used as a bulking ingredient in jam.

Try using the peeled and diced pieces of choko as ingredients in your next stew. Add the diced pieces at a late stage and they will remain solid cubes with the absorbed taste of the stew.

Choko Recipes! compiled by Roslyn Deakin in PDF format.

The green willow beret

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Nov 042019

Yes, this is the Willow Beret! The pattern is almost ready. It is more of a slouchie but still based on a beret pattern.

It is made from Super Springy by Raxor Yarns ( Raxor.com.au ) and fibers. The colour is Daintree. I just love knitting this yarn as the stitch definition is amazing and the drape…. well, silky is the best description. This is why the hat is more of a slouchie.

It was made for a friend whose visa expired and she had to leave the country.  She was from Sweden and so the hat was made with a willow leaf pattern from an Estonian Haapsalu design.

It is a quick knit and was blocked over a large dinner plate.

The pattern should be available soon through Raxor’s site.

Happy knitting!