Here I am, post right knee replacement , which turned bad, post hospitalisation for what they dramatized as “kidney failure” and, post right knee reconstruction after I tore the patella quadriceps tendon and other small problems which occurred when I passed out early one morning in February.
It is the end of August almost, and I am healing well according to Brad, my Physiotherapist. My GP has not seen me in person but from what I have told her, she feels I am healing well.
Last Thursday I was allowed to increase the lock on my brace to 80°!
My physio thought I wouldn’t really get to 80 degrees flexion. He doesn’t think I will ride a bicycle ever again either.
I was then told… “and don’t take that as a challenge missy”.
It still sounds like a challenge to me but I won’t start until I get over the hard Physiotherapy.
I have taken to spinning again and after a long chat with my bestie Xason, bought myself a new TDS (Turkish Drop Spindle). Did I say a? Well 3 of them. If I had my way I would get a whole heap more. I cannot begin to tell you how perfect they are. And I can spin as fine as cobweb or as thick as I want. I usually spin up and ply to a double knit, that is a number 3 for my north of the equator friends not in the UK.
Xason (Jason) has a way to make his spindles so beautiful they are wonderful just to look at. The weights small, medium, and jumbo are perfect. Sometimes I have just a tiny bit of special fluff that won’t spin into a useable amount of yarn so I spin what I can on a small TDS and then Andean ply it so it won’t warp when knitted or woven on a pin loom.
I bought my first Riley TDS about 14 years ago and when someone, who shall be un-named, stood on it, Jason came to the rescue and sent me a spare part. I was forever in his debt. We are still friends today and he is one of the few people I call best friend. He also makes and sells hackles for carding as well as combs and tine covers. His store is on Etsy and I encourage you to click on the hyperlink to check him out. His spindles are extremely well balanced and have the most amazing spin time. Honestly, the best spindle I have ever used!
I should leave this now as I think the lovely neighbour is mowing my property and I should go and help.
Happy crafting to all!