My Christmas Cake Recipe

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Nov 282021

* 1kg (2 pounds) mixed dried fruit
* 3 cups (750ml) fruit juice
* 3 cups (525g) self raising flour
* handful of glacé cherries
* handful of pecans
* & for those so inclined, a splash of rum or bourbon

Stage 1 has begun. My dried fruits, cherries & pecans are soaking overnight in the fruit juice.

Pics from last years cake.

 Posted by at 8:16 am

And here we go again

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Nov 072021

I am left wondering, after filming another ukulele song, why it is, I can neither sing nor play a tune in front of a camera. I did it though. My sister commented; I looked scared. I think I was. Anyway, here it is. If you like it and you want to join, do so. You would be so lovingly welcomed.

We are heading back into the office this coming week. Unless I carry my ukulele to and from work, no more lunchtime ukulele. I also figured I will quit the work garden. As much as I love it, you cannot expect a garden to grow only when you are in an office. Back in July I had zucchini flowers I am sure I am going back to some lifeless crispy was-plants. I am considering maybe taking in a small geranium for the desk. Time will tell after this week.
I will sign off for now. I was thinking of starting some small sports socks to wear in spring and summer so you may see a new pattern show up.
Thanks for reading.

It’s been more of a down week.

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Oct 102021

This past week I have been down, I guess dancing with the black dog. Such a good term. In my head it is calypso and I am doing my best to keep up the tempo. My new SNARK tuner and visual metronome should help.
I decided to dye my hair orange and mostly purple. And had a little jam session in the rain. I probably have blank spots in the back of my head but it should be fine. I mean, who in lockdown would see it!

I can’t thank Fi and his team at Melbourne Ukulele Community for keeping my down days in focus. I am learning more every day and the chord changes are getting smoother and quicker. And now, I am challenging myself with the barre chords and the tougher chords. It has never been easy with some chords with my mangled broken fingers but I am doing my best!

John has been keeping me well fed with some amazing dishes and creative meals. Some recipes do not quite hit the spot but it makes meals exciting ?

No textile crafts yet. Yes they really did a number on my emotions. I am working through that too.

Is it just that I am getting old?

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Oct 052021

I am feeling it more and more each day. It getting harder to spring out of bed, I’m always tired and I seem to ache in more places over my body. Odd, but I actually have felt the cold of late too.

I’m still not in the right headspace to get back to spinning or crochet or even knitting. Last night a friend asked about spinning wheels and I found myself looking at photos of some of my old wishlist… a Majacraft, a Sacht, there was even an Ashford Kiwi. I haven’t done that in over a year. Thank you Markus, for putting the spark back into my dreary life.

Well, I have to admit, Covid-19, Lockdown number 6 has a lot to answer for. I have been doing so much online shopping that I had to put a stop to it. On nights I cannot sleep due to pain, I will no longer jump online to see if there is anything I want to buy! This was confirmed by the 4 parcels that arrived yesterday that I had no recollection of ordering. None in the slightest! The only thing I will allow now, is Ukulele strings as needed!

The Mud Brothers out back are muddier than ever and they are going through Lucerne almost as fast as we can order it. With nice warmer weather appearing more often, I will have to up the supplemental feeding and go in search of a new shearer again… a task I do not enjoy.

Anyhow, wishing all of you happiness in your lives and calm in our now ‘Covid Normal’ space.

Melbourne Ukulele Community

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Sep 102021

This group has saved my sanity a number of times. I took part in their newest collage. It wasn’t hard really but the thought that I can’t sing let alone with the ukulele… it freaks me out just a little. The group is wonderful and I would encourage any person who is interested to get yourself a little ukulele and join us on Facebook. This is the latest from us. Enjoy!

Drop what you are doing!

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Sep 022021

I mean it…. Drop what you are doing this weekend to visit The BIG Wool Show! Arranged by the amazing Raxor, it is on this year.
You may not have been able to go to Bendigo and spend your savings but this will be the place to go! Enjoy online tutorials, see the new tools and amazing yarns and fleeces.
All in one place… wherever you are!

Where does the time go?

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Aug 272021

I am sitting here in lockdown 6, watching the final episode of Babylon 5 and I wonder where time goes. One minute it is present then the next, it is a memory. Of course, with the internet, these memories will last a lifetime. Hopefully, what we write will be of interest.
I am slowly getting back to my handcrafts. Made a hat for a dear friend who has health issues. I figured, if I was cold today, she would be feeling it more so off to the post office for me. Thank goodness the postal service is an essential service. I have one more hat to send
to Japan. Hopefully I can concentrate on my blankets again. I always feel guilty when I don’t meet my own deadlines. Still, at least I am doing something during lockdown.

So this happened…

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May 052021

Ok, during these odd times, I developed a sore throat sitting on the train on the way home. It gradually got worse as the night grew long. 2:00am found me trying to book a doctor appointment and 5:30am found me talking to the wonderful person at the Covid 19 hotline. 10:00am found me at the testing station and now I am in isolation until I get a result.

The whole time, before I had the test, I kept thinking of places to visit once the test was done. I then realized I was doing exactly the thing I had pointed out to others about. I reminded myself I could get fined if I didn’t go straight home and isolated. So here I am.

I am determined to finish this hat I am making. I am not going to frog it again. I wish I could have finished it to wear tonight, Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere. Happy All Hallows’ Eve.