
It’s magic

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Mar 202022

Yesterday, I cried. Fairy Goddaughter#2, Annelii, married Thomas. I sat at the ceremony and cried when Thomas saw Annelii walk up the aisle. I cried when they made their vows. I cried at the Speeches. When Bridesmaid Marissa (special Fairy Fairy Goddaughter #4) gave her speech. To date the most alternative wedding I have ever been to. It was a production! From beginning to end and not too far from me at the Mt Macedon Winery, these two kids gave us the most magical day.
The alcohol was flowing, nibbles shared and dancing, lots of dancing! Mother of the Bride, looked amazing but I knew she was stressed from beginning to end. I made a point of offering help but not butting, as I knew how stressed she already was. I just enjoyed the day.

It did bring back memories though, waking up early after a sleepover. I heard the strangest noise and ventured into the kitchen. There she was, young Annelii! She had climbed to the tops shelf of the pantry, naked, and pulled down the Rice Bubbles! She poured every last puffed rice over the floor and was doing the breast stroke. Rolling over to do backstroke, totally immersed in the moment! She kind of carried this over to adulthood. All or nothing, she reaches for the stars and together with her best friend, has set a new journey.
How I love her! I also love Thomas and I thank Jenni every day for allowing me to be a part of her children’s lives from the beginning. I wish Annelii and Thomas the best of everything. Thank you for being part of my life.

I’m baaack…

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Mar 122022

Here we are in March. The start of Autumn, normally, my favourite time of the year. Dad and I are reaping our lovely harvest of tomatoes and zucchini which is amazing. Possibly tonight’s dinner is tomato soup but no rush. It could be tomorrows lunch instead.No demands, I am just playing it by ear.

Dad had a high pain day today but we still managed a trip to the supermarket. It is fun shopping with dad. We find some amazing things to try and we kind of coast through the aisles. I love the way he commands the trolley be filled just so, today we accidentally loaded the left side too heavily and while talking and not noticing he would roll up the next aisle. I talked to myself a lot.
I made a point of booking a date with my friend Barbara. It seems Covid had put a strain on contact with friends and even neighbours. Even I have not been left unaffected. My mental health has taken a big hit and no, I still have not picked up my crafting other than a small design of a steam punk capelet. I am yet to make samples but it will happen soon enough.
I have been enjoying dads garden in the mean time and my ukulele playing? Well that is coming along slowly. Right now I think too many songs to choose from.
Amongst all the work and travel back into Melbourne and stress, my love of succulents has grown some. I look forward to pay day so I can get myself a couple more pretties. I now have a Crassula Pyramidalis on my desk to keep me focused. His name is Gregory Pecker I carried the little pot and saucer to work in my hand, a gentleman helping me on and off the train. Gregory now sits on my desk and I talk to him a lot… stand by, he may end up with troubles of his own.
Anyway, I better leave this here for now. I will write more soon. Stay tuned for some crafting updates.

Hello there

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Feb 162022

I have finished work for the day. It is still crazy in the industry in which I work. I envisage another couple months of this craziness and I will hold on as long I can. I just know, getting out of bed each morning is getting harder and harder. I think I am more excited to see my plants which, I am led to believe, are still growing during our current Work From Home. Until then, I am enjoying gardening at dads… with huge zucchinis, who wouldn’t enjoy themselves!
The ukulele has been my trusty pick me up these days. I still have trouble joining Fi on a Monday and Thursday but I am still following him and trying his songs and notes on them.
Now, the musical artist Mick Thomas performed recently at the Macedon Hotel. I really wanted to go. I wanted to approach him and ask if he could PLEEEAAASSSEEE, give me the chords/tabs to his song Hug my Back. I was in Melbourne and missed the event. If anyone out there has an idea what they are… can you let me know?
My friends have been more carefree than I when it comes to adventuring out amongst the Revelers who are enjoying being out and about. I am still Covid Cautious and will be heading back into the city for work soon enough. That is 3 travel hours a day amongst lots of people… that is enough for me.
Crafting is still on the back burner but, I have to get a wriggle on with A’s wedding shawl. The date seems to be rolling closer too fast. What a wonderful date to look forward to. I do love my Fairy Goddaughters. S’s wedding was magic. I imagine A’s will be magical as well.
I better say good night. I hear my Flight ukulele calling me tonight. I just received my shoulder strap to match and I am eager to set it up? Have a great night! Stay healthy, and most of all, stay safe.

Happy New Year! Again.

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Jan 012022

Hi all, here we are, we made it to another year. I have lined up some craft ideas for this year but I am still enjoying the ukulele playing. I am getting game and choosing songs at random and just playing the best I can. Today I even sang along. Pity John disappeared as he could have accompanied me on the Brodhran I gave him for Christmas. I also enjoyed giving him a cowbell. What a fun gift that has been. John has bought me a few t-shirts regarding the cowbell skit from SNL.
I am still learning the Covid safe way… on the internet with the Melbourne Ukulele group. Fi and his team are just amazing.

My knitting and Spinning have taken a back seat for 2 years now. Not sure if I can ever forgive the person who planted that seed that I am not good enough and no one cares about what I do. Even my writing has taken a back seat. I guess things will change well enough.
I don’t see how one day on a Calendar can make a difference to the way our lives turn out. I don’t need to make a resolution to change my fate… you don’t need to either. I still believe in making small and big plans and if they don’t work out, it is not a bad thing. So do your best every day and if you can’t or even can’t get out of bed, that is fine. You are not giving up, you are just taking it slowly.
Enjoy the new year, the challenges it presents. Stay Covid safe and try to follow common sense.

… just wait 5 minutes

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Dec 102021

Wow, the weather has been crazy as has my pain. I have reached another Sunday night, unable to sleep because of pain and my anxiety of another week of work. I don’t know what is worse. Both are annoying.
I have Mick Tomas’ Away Away, playing quietly in loop hoping I can memorize it in my sleep. The only thing missing is the sleep. Playing the ukulele is keeping me sane at the moment but after the ‘floodingng of half my house due to a faulty washing machine, I found a couple old knitting projects ( UFO’s or unfinished objects ) and I am almost ready to start knitting again after a break if 18 months. Please, knittings deities, give me strength. I so need it.
I am so very sore too. It seems every weekend I spend with dad, is a weekend of work. It is honest work and I don’t begrudge helping him but my various medical problem seem to make it hard. I am dreading the pain I will feel tomorrow. Oh well. I am happy to feel this way if it makes dad happy.
So I should just stop here and try again to get some sleep. I will keep this post short sending love and hugs to those who need it. I am always here if you want to have a ‘chat’. Keep on hanging in there. I am sure if I can, so can you can. Blessed be my lovelies

And here we go again

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Nov 072021

I am left wondering, after filming another ukulele song, why it is, I can neither sing nor play a tune in front of a camera. I did it though. My sister commented; I looked scared. I think I was. Anyway, here it is. If you like it and you want to join, do so. You would be so lovingly welcomed.

We are heading back into the office this coming week. Unless I carry my ukulele to and from work, no more lunchtime ukulele. I also figured I will quit the work garden. As much as I love it, you cannot expect a garden to grow only when you are in an office. Back in July I had zucchini flowers I am sure I am going back to some lifeless crispy was-plants. I am considering maybe taking in a small geranium for the desk. Time will tell after this week.
I will sign off for now. I was thinking of starting some small sports socks to wear in spring and summer so you may see a new pattern show up.
Thanks for reading.

It’s been more of a down week.

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Oct 102021

This past week I have been down, I guess dancing with the black dog. Such a good term. In my head it is calypso and I am doing my best to keep up the tempo. My new SNARK tuner and visual metronome should help.
I decided to dye my hair orange and mostly purple. And had a little jam session in the rain. I probably have blank spots in the back of my head but it should be fine. I mean, who in lockdown would see it!

I can’t thank Fi and his team at Melbourne Ukulele Community for keeping my down days in focus. I am learning more every day and the chord changes are getting smoother and quicker. And now, I am challenging myself with the barre chords and the tougher chords. It has never been easy with some chords with my mangled broken fingers but I am doing my best!

John has been keeping me well fed with some amazing dishes and creative meals. Some recipes do not quite hit the spot but it makes meals exciting ?

No textile crafts yet. Yes they really did a number on my emotions. I am working through that too.

Is it just that I am getting old?

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Oct 052021

I am feeling it more and more each day. It getting harder to spring out of bed, I’m always tired and I seem to ache in more places over my body. Odd, but I actually have felt the cold of late too.

I’m still not in the right headspace to get back to spinning or crochet or even knitting. Last night a friend asked about spinning wheels and I found myself looking at photos of some of my old wishlist… a Majacraft, a Sacht, there was even an Ashford Kiwi. I haven’t done that in over a year. Thank you Markus, for putting the spark back into my dreary life.

Well, I have to admit, Covid-19, Lockdown number 6 has a lot to answer for. I have been doing so much online shopping that I had to put a stop to it. On nights I cannot sleep due to pain, I will no longer jump online to see if there is anything I want to buy! This was confirmed by the 4 parcels that arrived yesterday that I had no recollection of ordering. None in the slightest! The only thing I will allow now, is Ukulele strings as needed!

The Mud Brothers out back are muddier than ever and they are going through Lucerne almost as fast as we can order it. With nice warmer weather appearing more often, I will have to up the supplemental feeding and go in search of a new shearer again… a task I do not enjoy.

Anyhow, wishing all of you happiness in your lives and calm in our now ‘Covid Normal’ space.

Melbourne Ukulele Community

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Sep 102021

This group has saved my sanity a number of times. I took part in their newest collage. It wasn’t hard really but the thought that I can’t sing let alone with the ukulele… it freaks me out just a little. The group is wonderful and I would encourage any person who is interested to get yourself a little ukulele and join us on Facebook. This is the latest from us. Enjoy!

Drop what you are doing!

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Sep 022021

I mean it…. Drop what you are doing this weekend to visit The BIG Wool Show! Arranged by the amazing Raxor, it is on this year.
You may not have been able to go to Bendigo and spend your savings but this will be the place to go! Enjoy online tutorials, see the new tools and amazing yarns and fleeces.
All in one place… wherever you are!